IVI & GIO’ Organic Pea pasta is produced with flour made 100% from peas grown in Italy, coming from a controlled supply chain of organic farming. Ivi & Giò Organic Pea Pasta is gluten-free certified.
It is made with stone-milled flour mixed with spring water, only. I&G Pea Pasta does not contain any thickener or other additives.
The dough involves the use of raw pea flour, to preserve all the organoleptic characteristics of the legume. After drawing to obtain the classic Penne, the pasta is started to dry, which lasts for 14 hours. In this phase the temperature never exceeds 40 ° C, therefore it is possible to preserve the precious nutritional values of peas.
Ivi & Giò organic pea pasta is suitable for both a vegan and a gluten-free diet and it is ready in 5-7 minutes only.
You can easily prepare dishes with a unique taste and high nutritional value, just dressing with any kind of pesto sauce, raw or cooked vegetable, fish or fresh cheese.